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RallyPoint Rye Whiskey


Ingredients: 2 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey1 oz Vermouth (I prefer to go 50/50 on Dry Vermouth/ Sweet Vermouth)1 Dash An...

Missouri Mint Julep

 Ingredients: (2) 750ml bottles of RallyPoint Rye Whiskey32 Mint Stalks with Leaves  (6-10 good leaves per stalk) Add...

Requiem for Jani Lane

Ingredients: 1 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey1 oz Dolin Sweet Vermouth.5 oz Pimm’s #1.5 oz Triple Sec.5 oz Lime Juice1 Das...

Take Two Shake

  Ingredients: 1.5 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey.5 oz Luxardo Amaretto di Saschira.5 oz Luxardo Angioletto1 oz Cream2-3 S...

Chouteau's Funeral

Ingredients: 2 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey1 oz Yellow ChartreuseLemon Peel2 Dashes St. Elizabeth’s Allspice Directions:...

Rally Squirrel

  Ingredients: 1.5 oz RallyPoint Rye WhiskeyCocci Americano Rosso VermouthCherry HerringLemon JuiceFernet Branca2 Das...


Ingredients: .75 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey.5 oz Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur.25 oz Thyme Simple Syrup*.25 oz Panama L...

The Bang Up Cocktail

Ingredients: 1.5 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey.75 oz Apple Brandy.3 oz Hibiscus Syrup.3 oz Simple Syrup.3 oz Lemon Juice2...

TaunTaun’s Revenge

Ingredients: 2 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey2 Dashes Blood Orange BittersIce Sphere Directions: Add whiskey to glass, ...

Rattlesnake King

Ingredients: 1 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey.75 oz Calvados Apple Brandy.5 oz Cardamaro Amaro.25 oz Orange Juice4-5 Dashe...

Over Easy

Ingredients: 2 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey1 oz Campari.5 oz Kaldi’s Tanzania Cold Brew Coffee.5 oz Lime Juice Direct...

The Chouteau King

Ingredients: 2 oz RallyPoint Rye Whiskey.75 oz Benedictine2 Dashes Angostura Bitters Directions: Combine ingredients ...

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