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Life is to be seized and savored; the best days require the best spirits.

My name is David Weglarz.  I am the owner/operator of the St. Louis, Missouri distillery StilL 630.  I believe that life should be filled with passion and intensity. That it is absolutely vital to live life to it’s fullest. That’s not only how I’ve lived my life, but it’s also how I run StilL 630. Legends never die. Countless are the merely wealthy forgotten dead.

I’ve always wanted my life to be spectacular, to be something worth talking about and remembering long after I’m gone. I want StilL 630 to be different, not just some assembly line churning out product.  We are different because we are passionate.  We are different because we are bold and committed.  To put it simply, we are different because we are the best.  Our whiskey, bourbon, rum, and gin are flavorful, well-balanced, and extremely high quality.  We work and play by our own rules because life is too short to do things any other way. In the end we will succeed where others have failed because mine is an Indomitable Spirit.  I truly believe this and I truly believe I am living the American dream.


That’s why we personally and patiently hand craft our spirits and age them in a variety of wooden barrels. We believe that doing things the right way is the only way, even if it takes more time.

We are different because we are passionate.

“I’ve always wanted my life to be spectacular, to be something worth talking about and remembering long after I’m gone. I’m David Weglarz and my legacy will be StilL 630 and the premium spirits we create. ” — STILL 630 EST. 2012

“What's in a name?”

 To us here at StilL 630, the answer to that question is…our roots. The St and the L in "StilL" represent and reinforce our pride in our hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. The 630 stands for 630' tall, which is both the height and the width of the St. Louis Arch.

The Arch is Missouri’s tallest accessible building and the tallest man made monument in the United States. It was built as a monument to Westward Expansion. It symbolizes the pioneer spirit of the men and women who settled the west. To us, it is a symbol of the indomitable spirit of those pioneers. Believe us when we say, we know a thing or two about spirits.

Visit us today to taste the very best whiskey, bourbon, or rum. We are located south of the Busch Stadium and just blocks from the Arch grounds. We hope to see you soon because we are proud of what we do, we love what we do, and we want to share it with you.

“In the long run, men only hit what they aim at. Therefore, they had better aim at something high.” — HENRY DAVID THOREAU

At StilL 630 we know that being the best means using the best.

We use as many of the best organic, local ingredients as possible. We believe in pushing conventional boundaries. We are constantly experimenting with unique distillation processes. Rather than use the most common distillation process, we use the old-world method of double distillation to capture more flavors. Since we are located in the best city in the world, we think it’s only fitting to be the best distillery.

Visit us today to taste the very best whiskey, bourbon, or rum. We are located south of the Busch Stadium and just blocks from the Arch grounds. We hope to see you soon because we are proud of what we do, we love what we do, and we want to share it with you.

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