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The StilL 630 Team

We have a small but mighty team at StilL 630!  And we are grateful for each and every one.  We couldn't be the awesome distillery we are without awesome people working here.

An avid Star Wars fan and history buff, Andrew is the other full time employee at StilL 630.  He is our Master of Sales and also our Head Librarian (mixologist) and Spirit Guide (tour guide).  In his sales role, Andrew visits accounts across Missouri and works to promote our distillery and our products in all the finest bars, restaurants, and retailers.  As our Head Librarian, he is the mastermind behind the incredible ever-rotating Library Cocktail menu, creating four delicious new cocktails monthly and over 500 unique cocktails to date!  

Jake is our resident Jake-of-all-trades, whatever needs done, Jake is there to do it!  When not in Metropolis, our resident superman is a master grain-grinder and nearly every single bottle that is produced at the distillery is hand labeled by Jake.  He is also a primary Librarian on Friday nights and works events for us all around town.  His day job is a fitness trainer so he's always laid back and swole.  But the man has a mind for figures and is our resident number-cruncher.  He compiles all the data from our Experimental Surveys and analyzes it for your (and his) enjoyment!

Robby is our resident eye candy and you can catch him working Friday nights as an assistant Librarian, but you will also see him around town pouring our spirits at all kinds of fun events, he's particularly fond of the local dog bar: Bar K!

Dina & Mike Right are an incredible duo we partnered with from the beginning.  Dina is our graphic designer extraordinaire, which means she's responsible for all of our labels, signage, website, newsletters, etc.  Her husband Mike is the artist, he draws all the images you see in our labels, barrel heads, etc.  If it's artwork, it's done by Mike.  If it's design, it's Dina.  Together, they are an unbeatable team!


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