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Big Jake Breakfast Brew

And the Cradle Will Rock...

Ingredients: 1.5 oz Headless Horseman Whiskey.5 oz Big Jake Breakfast Brew.5 oz Ginger/Turmeric Syrup1 oz Chai Tea D...

Gratiot St Cocktail

Ingredients: .25 oz Big Jake Breakfast Brew1.5 oz Single Malt Scotch.75 oz Benedictine2 Dashes Chocolate BittersCh...

Always a Riesen

Ingredients: 1 oz Big Jake Breakfast Brew1 oz Liquore Strega1 oz Amaro Sibona Liqueur1 Dash Fee Brothers Black Wal...

Big Apple Never Sleeps

Ingredients: 2 oz Big Jake Breakfast Brew1 oz Sweet Vermouth1 Dash Angostura Bitters Directions: Combine ingredients ...

Goat's Milk

Ingredients: 2 oz Big Jake Breakfast Brew.5 oz Simple SyrupDash of Black Walnut BittersScoop of Vanilla Ice Cream Di...

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